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Relationship questions for couples - Get ready to spark again in your love life.

50+ Romantic relationship questions for couples

relationship questions, fun questions for couples

Romantic questions for couples

Relationship question for couples plays a vital role for making a deep relationship with your spouse. 
Are you one of them who often get difficulties to make healthy conversations with your spouse?  You both are in love and want to know about each other but do not know what to ask and what not.

relax, don't worry this happens in a relationship. Mostly this type of difficulties a couple faces in an arranged marriage, where a lot of them love each other but feel shy to ask or talk in a romantic way.
If you are one of them then this blog post is definitely for you. here we go, there is some list of interesting questions that should definitely ask in a couple to make that spark again. 

also read

 50+ Fun questions for married couples game.

Questions on the relationship

  1. What do u like most about me?
  2. What are your expectations for me?
  3. One thing that you want to add to me?
  4. Tell me that one thing you would like to change into me?
  5. In what way you would like to style my hair?
  6. Which type of quality do you see in a life partner?
  7. If you would plane a date with me, what special would you like to add to make me feel special?
  8. How do I make you a better person?
  9. Define a perfect date in your words?
  10. How do you see the concept of marriage?
  11. How much friendship is value for you?
  12. How lovely and warm is your family ? do you think your childhood was better than others?
  13. What was your family's reaction when you told them about us?
  14. How your relationship is with your mother?

Questions about secrets

  1. When did you last cry and what was the reason for that?  
  2. What is your biggest regret?
  3. Do you have any secrets and weird fantasies?
  4. What is one present that I gave you that you did not like and pretended as that you love that?
  5. Have you ever sent to the principal office as a kid? if yes, so why?
  6. Have you ever break someone's heart? if yes, then tell me the story?
  7. What is your most embarrassing moment till now? 
  8. What is your hidden talent?

Questions about fame 

  1. Do you want to become famous in your life? if yes, then in what way?
  2. On which celebrity do you have a crush right now?
  3. Celebrity to whom you wanted to get married since your early teenage?
  4. What is your biggest achievement in your life so far?

Questions about intimacy.

  1. What are your attractions to me?
  2. What is the one thing you would like to change in our sex life?
  3. Which body part of your body you like the most when I touch it?
  4. What is the one thing I do that drives you crazy?
  5. What is your favorite position that you love the most?
  6. What do you like the most, soft and slow or hard and rough?
  7. Song you would like in our bedroom during our special time?
  8. Things that we have not yet tried?
  9. What is that one thing you wanted to make me do for you since day one but you could not due to hesitation?

Questions about the past

  1. One nightmare that you still remember from your childhood?
  2. What is your happiest childhood memory?
  3. Which type of kid you used to be in your childhood?
  4. What are things you struggled the most in your childhood and you didn't tell anyone about that, not even to your parents?
  5. Which type of bad habits that you were addicted to in your past? 
  6. How was your college/school?

Questions for fun #

  1. What are the most grateful things in your life according to you?
  2. What is the kindest thing is done by you for someone so far?
  3. One thing that you would like to change about yourself this year?
  4. Do you like a tattoo?
  5. Where and which type of tattoo would you like to see on my body part?
  6. What is the most adventurous experience in your life till now?
  7. What is the funniest and craziest thing done by you so far?
  8. What is the best gift you have ever received? who gave this to you?

Questions on money

  1. If you won $100000, how would you like to spend it?
  2. what is your dream job?
  3. What one job you would never do in your life at any cost?
  4. How does money matter in your life?
  5. What are your plans after retirement?
  6. What are your financial goals for the next five years?
also read

So, guys, these are some very interesting relationship questions for couples that are definitely going to play a huge role in spark your bonding with your life partner. #
so tell me guys which type of question would you like to ask your partner to park a deep conversation. also, let me know which question you love the most in this post tell me in the comment box.


  1. This is great! This could really get you closer to your significant other!

    1. definitely, it can spark that affection once again.

  2. Asking these questions seem like fun and will definitely help you get to know your partner better!

  3. These are great questions! I feel like I have a pretty great and open relationship with my husband, so these questions will be fun to ask.

    1. I wish you will be able to experience this one day....

  4. There are some great questions here! I've even made notes!


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