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How to calm your nervousness- 7 easy tips

Easy tips to calm nervousness

7 easy ways to calm nervous

How to calm your nervousness- 7 easy tips

Are you feeling nervous.....? Are your hands and legs shaking....? Are your chest-thumping and your palms are sweating?? Don't worry it's okay. Feeling nervous is a completely normal and natural part of our life. everyone gets nervous. Little bit nervousness is okay but if this problem is breaking your confidence then its time to work on it before the situation gets worst.(1)

Let's turn to all those miserable feelings we experience when we are nervous like a stomach cramp, sweating palms, racing pulse, unable to speak clearly and it is like its all over. 

We don't feel as relax and carefree as we do when we are having fun, watching our favorite show on t.v, etc. But our sense is sharper and our mind is more alert.
Whether you are preparing for a big event or dealing with a surprise situation, going face an interview, purposing your love, going to face an examination you feel nervous at that point. Let me tell you, my friend, it is normal.  There are several things you can do to manage your nerves and keep them getting out of control. 

7 ways to control nervousness.  

1.  Take a deep breath. 

It is always advised to take a deep breath to calm nerves. When we take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds and repeat it 3 to 4 time we feel relax.(2)

Oh yeah, this thing really helps. Okay, let's try it by yourself. take a deep breath in, now let it out. Have you noticed any difference in how you feel already..? I am damn sure your answer should be a big "yes".

Our breath is a powerful tool to ease stress and make us feel fewer nerves. Some simple breathing exercises really can change our daily life if we add them to our daily routine. Deep breathing is just not relaxing, it is also been scientifically proven to affect the heart, the brain, digestion, and the immune system. research has shown that breathing exercise can have an immediate effect by altering the ph of the blood or changing blood pressure.

2.  prepare yourself. 

Whether you are going to face an interview or going for a presentation, going to purpose someone or something else. You have to prepare your self for your moment. My advice is that rehearse as much as you can and practice more. Practice alone or in front of others. Ask your friends to help you in your practice. keep Practicing until you feel relaxed and ready for your moment. There are several famous performers who talk about how it is important to prepare for pre-performance jitters as well as the performance itself. When there is performance jitter, don't panic!! Don't let that feeling stop you. Do a crazy thing enjoy that feeling.
One more and important thing. If you have to deal with a surprise situation at that time probably you don't have time to rehearse. So go to the washroom or get a corner then take a few seconds and think. Rub your hands together, rub your face with your hands as you are washing your face without water. Shake your hands and legs in a cool way. Cheer-up yourself, collect yourself and boom go ahead.

3.  Gain clarity.  

Barbara Marciniak. When you commit yourself to one thing — and not another — clarity is a natural result.
We feel stuck when we are unclear about what to do next. This thing makes us more nervous because at that time we don't have any clue what to do next, how to handle this situation.....? Gain more clarity, gain more knowledge as much as you can. Lack of knowledge may be the reason for unclarity this thing makes you more nerves.
You may have seen people who have much knowledge of their own field stay confident and calm during the meeting or having a conversation with others.

4. Question your fear.

You should ask yourself some right questions, such as "does my fear base on reality ??" With this type of question, you would be able to calm your nervousness.(3) 
This helps to start a good, regular practice of thought.  It is mostly seen in anxious people that "Anxious people focus on the worst-case scenario, which hardly ever happens,".
So there are some questions to be asked by yourself to calm on nerves.

  • Does it really make sense to fear these things....?
  • How are these fears holding me back....??
  • Am I afraid of the process of results....?
  • Do I feel confident in my abilities to perform ....?
  • Am I scared that I may make a mistake....? 
  • Am I allowed to make a mistake....?
keep in mind don't question your self too much. This may lead you to get overthinking. Which is not a good thing in terms of calm nerves. So work on it and go ahead.

5. Boost your confidence. 

Self-confidence does come naturally to most people and in some people, it does not come naturally, when it does not come naturally in this condition you have to develop it. 
With few simple mind hacks, you can calm your nerves and control your thoughts, boost your confidence, and come across as a strong, capable person.
When people see you as a strong personality that shows you believe in your self, they will believe in you too.
First of all, try to improve your body language and work on your body posture. When you hold your body in a power stance, your brain chemistry changes and you immediately feel more confident and powerful. This will change the way you see yourself, and the way other people see you too. (4)
There are so many ways to improve your body posture and gain confidence which will be discussed next time.

6. Exercise. 

 "To keep your mind healthy, keep your body healthy first". Yeah, that's true, you have seen people who are physically fit and have toned body look more confident and attractive than others. Well, here I am going to discuss only a few exercises which will be helpful to control nervousness. 

  • Regulating your breath.  First of all take a long breath, slowly breath in your nose, first fill your lower lung, and then upper lung. Now you have to hold your breath to the count of "three". Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax the muscles of your face, jaw, shoulders, and stomach. to get better results to include this exercise in your daily routine.
  • jogging.  It actually helps to calm your nerves. All you need to do is make your mind, get up early before the sun, get your shoes, and just go for it.
  • meditation. Meditation is most important to calm you calm your nerves. There are many body calm meditation techniques that can help your body to relax and calm down. We often lead a busy lifestyle and don't get enough time to relax our mind and body. Many businessmen and athletes practice meditation to stay calm during their performance.

7. The focus of your diet, eat healthily.  Okay, it's time to focus on your diet. We all know eating healthy is important for our mental and physical fitness. Food plays an important role to reduce this. If you eat healthy so you feel healthy. (5)
You should include green leafy vegetables, fishes, dark chocolate, broccoli, eggs, salmon, avocados, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc.
Drink more water to stay hydrated. So guys don't avoid this type of food in your diet. This is definitely going to work.

also read
how to improve your communication skills in easy steps.

So friends apply all the points which I have mentioned above to calm your nerves. It is very essential to control your nervousness at the right time cause this may affect your performance. It is usually seen we mess up all the things just because of this problem, and all our hard work fails to give us what we have expected. 

Stay fit and take care of yourself, and if you like this article then let me know your feedback in comments and follow my blog to get more interesting and useful tips which will be helpful to improve your lifestyle inch by inch. 


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