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How to motivate yourself for running even if you hate it

How to motivate yourself for running even if you hate it

The motivation for running in the morning

Are you one of those who started running a couple of the months ago and right now don't even want to wake up early in the morning for running.....?

You must be feeling demotivated to continue this further. 
listen, sometimes we feel highly motivated in our life and some time really wants to give up. it's a part of life. 
This is the time when we need some inspiration and motivation to continue with our task whether it belongs to your career or to your fitness goal.
At that point in time, we need to motivate ourselves. so if you started running a couple of months ago and feeling tried and demotivated then there are some tips and tricks to get motivated 8 tips that actually work to motivate everyone for running.

also read

1. full-body workout at home without fancy equipment

2. easy steps to control your anger

The motivation for running in the winter

1. tell your mind that you have no choice

NO matter how much you search on the internet, "how to start these and those" or no matter how much you have read fitness magazines about it. Nothing is going to work until you are not going to do all this stuff by your self. 
All those stuff are available on the internet only for your guidance. You have to get out of your comfort zone. you have to find a reason. we all know we never going to head out of the door if we do not have a reason.
You have to take a decision in your mind to run in the morning before going to bed. get everything ready and train your mind to respond immediately to the alarm. 
the decision must have made already in your mind. Tell your mind that you don't have another option, repeat again and again in your mind like a spell.
Don't let your morning laziness change your decision. I am sure when you would come back from running at your home, you will feel proud of your self.

2. look into the mirror and motivate yourself

look into the mirror and admire your body. look at your belly fat, observe your body, and ask some questions to yourself.

  • is this really how you want to look like....?
  • is this really you....?
  • do you want to spend your whole life like this....?
  • don't you want any improvement in your life....?
  • what is holding you back....?
look into the mirror several times a day. look into the mirror when your mind wants to give up. look into the mirror to change your habits. don't let your laziness destroy your life. think about it and keep going, keep running for good health.

3. motivate yourself

Listen you really don't need to worry about it. we all feel demotivated at a point of time in our lives.
everyone goes through those days where they just want to be done with it from their struggle when they just want to stop. This is the time when you just can't give up. at that point in time, you need some inspiration and nothing else.
You need to motivate yourself. keep watching motivating videos on youtube, keep reading books on running and fitness, read some fitness magazines on how to increase stamina for running, how to run fast, etc.
Remember all the benefits of running and always appreciate your improvement and achievement, do not worry how small are they. enjoy running as a sport and try to defeat your inner laziness and negativity every single day.

4. Remember the benefits of running

Running is an awesome way to improve your cardiovascular health. its good for your health.
If you want to make your heart strong then running is definitely going to help you. plus, it burns calories and can give strength among other think as well. 
There is a long list of physical as well as psychological benefits of running. These are some physical and mental benefits of running.
physical benefits

  • improve cardiovascular health (1)
  • burn penalty of calories
  • help to build strong bones
  • strengthen muscles
  • help to maintain a healthy weight (2)
mental benefits
  • improve your learning abilities
  • boost your self-esteem
  • protect your brain from aging
  • make your sleep better

5. Rise before the sun

As well all know it is quite tough for beginners but keep in mind one thing my friend it is not impossible. 

For beginners, it is quite difficult so you should read motivational quotes to wake up in the morning.
What you have to do is just take a 6 days challenge to make up at 5.30 am without skip a single day.

You will face some difficulties in the beginning for sure but soon you will be able to wake up with eagerness.
Studies show that birds get more energy than just a worm. according to research, those who wake up before the sun have more energy and better sleep than wake up late.
One more reason is to running early morning is that the city has its own beauty in the morning.
There is no noise, no smoke, less dust, and more importantly clean air, the beauty of the rising sun, and the beautiful blue sky. this is a different feeling and I m sure you are going to love this.

6. get the right outfit and a good pair of shoes

The truth about dressing up is that it puts you in the right mindset. your t-shirt and shorts should be comfortable.

Make sure you are feeling good in those outfits. for beginners, a good and comfortable pair of shoes play a crucial role in the field of running.

In my opinion, a good pair of shoes is as related to running as dumbbells to the gym. Haha funny huh....?
jokes apart well I am not saying to spend a huge amount of your saving to buy a branded one but a bad pair of shoes probably would ruin your joy of running. 

if you have already a good pair of shoes then you don't need to get a new one. But if you don't have then I will prefer to get one which is in your budget. 

Do not worry about fancy gear at first. But yes, running shoes do become important.

7. Get a buddy

I always used to set my alarm for 5am every night before going to bed to get up early in the morning for running and every time I could not make it.

I failed, again, and again, I could not help with my laziness. I thought about it and decided to ask one of my friends to join me. 

He agreed and then I set alarm for the next morning and since then we started running.

A running buddy is more than just who runs next to you. he pushes you, motivated you, and supports you. with your running buddy you learn from each other, you feel competitiveness when you are running with your buddy.

You will be forced to push yourself beyond the limit and run faster. Running becomes fun and you enjoy this even if you hate it.

8. Set small goals

I do agree its quite hard for a beginner to run long. when I started running I remember that it was very tough for me. 

Also, I started to make a small goal, for example, I used to say my self that I would run nonstop until I reach to that pole or tree. 

After achieving those small goals I set another one. and that's how I completed my target.

It becomes easier to stay motivated if you have this type of small goals and target. 

If you are a beginner you should sing up for the race. registration for a race or local marathon may play an important role to stay motivated. 

For beginners, it is a great way to get involved with the running community.

Once you cross the finish line, you will feel like a winner.

Listen, guys, it's our responsibility to keep our body fit and healthy. you can't just ruin just because of your laziness. you need to do only one thing and that takes the right decision and works on it with your dedication.

Go for running, join the gym, work hard on it your fitness in the right direction, and enjoy it as a sport. (5)

If you are running for some time and feeling demotivated then these tips can help you to get back on your track.

Share your own tips when you feel demotivated in the comment box. so how do you enjoy workout....?? Share your favorite tips tricks in a comment below.

also read

#1.  how to improve your communication skills in 9 easy steps.

#2. learn how drinking more water can keep you healthy and your for a long time.


  1. Its a good bloge post Get more information

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  2. Great article! I love to run myself, but sometimes it is so hard to get motivated. These are great tips!

    1. hi
      thanks for appreciation
      hope you will get good result through these tips.

  3. Great article! It is somethi g really hard for me and I hate running (but would love to like it)! I will try again with you advice


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