What is boba tea in actual?
Boba is a starchy, chewy, jelly type of ball made out of cassava root which is originated from Taiwan."Boba" this name also comes from Taiwan which indicated breast(rounded boobs).
Boba is a starch that is extracted from a plant root which is naturally gluten-free and made into flour and latter form as edible pearls.
The row tapioca pearls (often black in color) get cooked in boil water until it becomes soft.Is boba and bubble tea the same?
Well, the answer is a big "yes"!! Both the words bubble and boba refer to the same drink. People from different regions use different names for this popular tea. In the western country, it is known as bubble tea because the balls in the bottom of the cup are made of the tapioca pearls and it looks like a bubble and in Asian countries, it is famous as boba tea.
Is bubble tea healthy?
Honestly, it depends on what you are going to order. The tapioca pearls might not be so bad themselves but when they are loaded with artificial flavor and sweetener then they can be a point of concern for your health.
But if you order pure jasmine green tea or ginger tea and honey boba then it can be a healthy option.
Some people prefer once in a week because they do not want to mess up with their health.
How does bubble tea taste like?
It is chewy and gummy in texture after cooked and it wouldn't be wrong to say that it is flavorless. After being soaked in flavored syrup it becomes much sweeter and its authentic flavor comes from the drink itself. Hence the pearls are for the texture there.
Why boba tea is getting popular day by day?
Of course, boba tea or we can say bubble tea is getting worldwide popularity. There is no doubt that bubble tea is getting so popular day by day and people are getting addicted to boba tea nowaday. I think there are two main reasons for it.
# 1. unique combination
The unique and sweet taste of the tea combined with the chewy tapioca balls tastes great together. Other drinks like cold coffee, juice, shake and smoothies can have the same texture but tapioca pearls, the boba make put it on the next level that other drinks can hardly give that experience. I think are is no other drink like this unique combination.
This unique combination also offers a wide range of flavors that include the interesting one like matcha, taro, guava, passion fruit, avocado, and even lychee.
# 2. Bubble tea Endless variety
Boba shops and cafes offer a wide range of variety of toppings like chia seeds, jelly, cream, chocolate and there are many different flavors to choose from. people like new things, they want to experience the new flavor and unique flavor and boba tea fulfill their requirements. Boba tea sellers know how to impress their customers that's why they provide their customers with an endless variety of boba tea. So a wide variety and flour may be the reason for its worldwide popularity.
Some most popular boba tea flavors are
As I have mentioned above the world of boba tea is vast and it comes in many variations and flavors. The focus on every possible flavor of bubble tea they can imagine, and if you are a regular customer of baba tea then you would have seen the menu of baba tea that contains almost all taste you can imagine. Some of the basic are-
- Passion fruit.
- Mango.
- Honeydew.
- Lychee.
- Peach.
- Pulm.
- Strawberry
If you like to go with a bubble tea with Lil bit savory touch then try this-
- Taro
- Ginger
- Coffee
- Almond
- Pudding(mango, custard apple, chocolate, etc.)
Well, what I have mentioned above are just a few examples of variety and flavor. Believe me, there is a lot of more flavor waiting for you.
Can boba increase the risk of cancer?
There is bad news for boba tea lovers around the world. The popular boba tea loaded with sugar syrup, generally milk-based and filled with chewy balls of tapioca, may also contain cancer-causing chemicals according to some researchers and studies.
According to some studies, researchers have found that boba tea (balls of tapioca) may also include cancer-causing chemicals which are known as polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs in short. So you have to be aware if you are also a blind fan of this boba tea. No doubt boba tea taste good when especially it comes in so many different flavors but we also know health comes first.
let us know if you are also a die-hard boba tea fan and share with your favorite flavors in the comment box. Share this interesting post with your friend because sharing is caring.
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