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Amazing benefits of Squats for your body

Amazing benefits of Squats for your body

Amazing benefits of Squats for your body

There are a lot of benefits of squats but people usually do not take squats seriously because they might not be aware of its amazing benefits. Amazing thing about squats is that it can be performed in both ways with weight (using a bar, kettlebell or dumbbell) and without weight. If you don't perform squats on a regular basis then you might change your mind after reading the amazing benefits of squat, but first of all, let's know the different kinds of squats.

Type of squats

There are several types of squats but most common among gym lover is-
  •  Bodyweight Squats
  •  Barbell Back Squats
  •  Sumo Squats
  •  pulse Squats 
  •  Plyometric Squat
  •  Single leg Squats
  •  Goblet Squats

Amazing benefits of Squats for your body

1. Increase libido and testosterone level in men

Amazing benefits of Squats for your body

One of the most well-known benefits of squatting is that squats increase testosterone levels in males. when you perform squats with heavyweight it hits your legs hard and works almost on your all muscles at once. Squats allow you to lift up a heavy amount of weight. as a result, your body reacts by releasing growth hormones and testosterone. researchers also found that leg exercise is helpful for increasing the testosterone level and squats are the best example of it. As you all know that testosterone increase libido and masculinity in males. squats not only increase sex drive but also improve our mental fitness and helps to decrease stress and depression.

2. Improve your blood circulation

Another important benefit of squats is that it improves blood flow. People who have poor blood circulation often experience tingling and numbness in their entire bodies. It may be the result of avoidance of exercise and other physical activate.
If you are one of them who often feels numbness then you should do squats. squats help to improve your blood flow in your entire body.  

3. It helps to burn calories and fat

Squats with the heavyweight itself required power and strength. You have to put a lot of physical effort while doing heavy squats which automatically burn calories. The harder you put your physical effort and strength the more calories you burn. squats specially target your lower body part so do not expect to get six-pack abs. There are some special exercises to target your abs. 

4. It almost works on your entire body

We all know that squatting is a part of leg exercise and we also know that squats work on our glutes, hamstrings, and butt. you would not believe but yeah it's true,  it works on our entire body.  when we perform with heavyweight, our upper body helps to hold that weight. other muscle of our upper body from back, chest, shoulder, and arms all involves at that moment. I am not saying that it will make broad your shoulder or will pump your chest but squats reduce fat, improve blood circulation, strengthen the bones and muscles of your entire body.

5. Squats make your knee strong

One of the main reasons you should not avoid them is that it makes your knees stronger. As time passes people start to feeling pain and other issue related to the knee. Squats improve mobility in the joint which is an important factor to make them stronger. 

6. squats improve functioning your lungs and heart

One of the main benefits of squats is that it makes a good impact on your heart. yeah I know it is not a type of cardio but it has its own benefits and one should not avoid them. well, it can make your heart strong and give and actually give strength to your heart.l it improves your heart rate, reduces your cholesterol and also control your blood pressure. if you squat in a proper way then it can improve the functioning of your heart. It improves the arteries and blood circulation as I already mentioned above. most important it lowers the risk of heart attack or stroke.

7. It makes you more active

As I have mentioned above doing squats as an exercise improves blood circulation in our body. With good blood circulation, you would feel active automatically. You can try it, I am sure it will work for you. Do at least 25 quats without weight whenever you are feeling tingling and numbness. you can also try air squats, it will also help you in the same way to improve your blood circulation. as a result, you will feel active in your daily work.

8. Can be performed anywhere

This one is quite beneficial for them who do not get enough time to go to the gym. You really do not have to go to the gym because you can perform it anywhere. You can do it in your local park, you can perform it at your home, at the beach, anywhere. You seriously do not need a special place, just do it whenever you want, where ever you feel comfortable.

If you are not going to start squats then you might not able to take advantage of the amazing exercise. At least take a 30 days challenge and see the change in your body. So guys write "yes" in the comment box if you are going to take this challenge, also do not forget to share this knowledgeable post with your friends, cause sharing is caring. 


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