What is boba tea in actual? Boba is a starchy, chewy, jelly type of ball made out of cassava root which is originated from Taiwan. "Boba" this name also comes from Taiwan which indicated breast(rounded boobs). Boba is a starch that is extracted from a plant root which is naturally gluten-free and made into flour and latter form as edible pearls. The row tapioca pearls (often black in color) get cooked in boil water until it becomes soft. Is boba and bubble tea the same? Well, the answer is a big "yes"!! Both the words bubble and boba refer to the same drink. People from different regions use different names for this popular tea. In the western country, it is known as bubble tea because the balls in the bottom of the cup are made of the tapioca pearls and it looks like a bubble and in Asian countries, it is famous as boba tea. Is bubble tea healthy? Honestly, it depends on what you are going to order. The tapioca pearls might not be so bad themselve...
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